The Adult Escort Industry
It is probably a safe gamble the Escort Industry isn't disappearing. Regardless of whether people refer to them as escorts or working girls, they are not going away.
Some individuals are bewildered with the expression escort because the term has many meanings. There are escorts that can be purely companions for sociable engagements and sex does not come into it. The biggest selection of escorts are those who provide you with sex for money.
The escort sector in particular is something of a dirty term in the current culture, however it's a prolific business. Escorts do not consider themselves as hookers. Prostitution is the kind of thing you will find on the street. Escorts regard they give much more than merely quick sex. As a culture we seem to have an issue with people paying for sex, It's to be abhorred in cases where females or women are taken in to prostitution, but when it is choice, do we have to be worried?
Perhaps part of the answer is money. Without doubt, it is a lucrative business. Escorts generally are not financially exploited as they might have been in the past. Women can earn an excellent income as an escort. They can earn more than double the average UK wage in approximately a quarter of the time. The money is definitely a big draw. Escorts are really just self-employed people, so they don't get holiday pay or sick pay, but if you are wise you can put money aside to cover these things. As you might expect an escort spends a lot of money taking care of herself, but that's hardly a chore! Hair appointments, nail appointments, beauty treatments, quality clothes and keeping yourself in shape are all good for you! For the right people this can be a lucrative job.
The law is often something that confuses people about the escort industry. It can be difficult to work it out. Working as an escort in the UK is not illegal. The law tries to protect escorts and to deal with street prostitution. It's about trying to protect mainly women, but also guys, who work in this industry. Escort Agencies are not illegal either, provided they don't cross certain lines. And there are thousands of people who do just that. Many run legitimate companies, declaring their incomes for tax purposes.
Many escorts and agencies do declare their incomes, but of course some don't. There are advantages to being financially legitimate. Many set themselves up as a sole trader business and try and avoid actually saying they are an escort. They might just class themselves as 'entertainment industry'.
Escorts do not consider themselves prostitutes. It is not quite the same thing. If you're paying for their time and escort will stay as long as you like. And an escort is charging over a hundred an hour for her time. Prostitutes on the other hand are the quick, cheap thrill., An escort is providing an all-round sensual experience, one to be savoured, not rushed. It's couldn't be more different from the average street prostitute. The vast majority of escorts in the UK are not being exploited and are making a choice to work as an escort. If a woman or a man chooses to work as an escort because they are attracted by the money available, then that should be their choice. It's to be hoped that most escorts would have alternatives and that they are not driven solely by need. Possibly the line between an escort and a prostitute is the reason they are a sex worker. Escort agencies do not want to represent girls who are addicts or have other problems. They really want clients to come repeatedly and so need to display quality women who enjoy the job
The adult sector in various forms has existed for 100's of years, and it will certainly continue to do so. There is certainly nothing at all wrong with having sex, it's what we are designed to do! Simply do it safely!